February 2022

FBC Backpack Buddies

FBC has developed a partnership with Hillcrest Elementary School in an effort to provide food for children in need. Each week, for the last eight years, we have discreetly provided select children with backpacks filled with enough food to feed a child through the weekend.

Our Ministry is growing! We currently provide food for 26 children each week. To accommodate this ministry, we recently relocated our Backpack Buddy work room to a larger room just off the Gathering Place. We are grateful to those who worked to make this move possible and to all those who make this ministry possible.

If you would like to contribute, the items most needed are small items that can easily be opened and pre-pared by elementary school children. These items include Beenie Weenies, Vienna Sausages, soup, macaroni and cheese in microwave cups, Ramen Noodles, plastic bottles of jelly, peanut butter, one pound bags of rice and cans of beans. Small snack items are helpful as well.

If you would like to participate in preparing and delivering our backpacks, contact us at info@FirstBaptistBurlington to request more information.

The Abundant Life by Pastor Chase

If you were to get in your car and head down I-40 West for about 2 hours, you would be in the town of Hickory, or as some say, my childhood stomping-grounds. If you get off exit 125, take a left and then a right, you would see a huge metal frame building with a giant cartoon mouse and the words “Hickory Dickory Dock” over the door. Hickory Dickory Dock was a kids play place. They had everything! A gigantic jungle gym, every arcade game imaginable, laser-tag, putt -putt, bumper cars, a ropes course, arcade prizes, and of course, pizza and sugary drinks. It was everything a kid could ask for and I loved being there. Every time my parents took me I had so much fun, until that inevitable moment. My mom would hand me one last activity ticket and say, “we are leaving soon. You have time to do one more thing.” I would stand there, gripping my last ticket, surrounded by all my options with a sense of mild panic rising in my gut. This was impossible! Which amusement was worthy of my final act? Which would bring me the most joy and fulfill-ment? This had to be cruel and unusual punishment. How was a kid to choose?

Heck Jones Offering


The WMU Heck-Jones offering is named for Fannie E.S. Heck and Sallie Bailey Jones, two beloved leaders and founders of WMU of NC. They spent their lives serving God through the missions and ministries of WMU. The missions and ministries of WMUNC are supported entirely by your gifts to the Heck-Jones offering. We will collect for this ministry through the month of February.

Awakening Worship Meeting

A meeting to discuss the mission focus of the church and the role Awakening Worship will play as we move forward in this this mission. This meeting is open to anyone who has a heart for this worship ministry and would like to join us for this discussion.

Monday, February 28 at 6:00 p.m. | Worship Center / Fellowship Hall

Memorial Sunday

Join us on Sunday, February 20 as we remember those in our church family who passed away in 2021.

Peggy Bass, Val Carden, Shirley French, Julia Green, Emily Guthrie, Carolyn Johnson, Yoneko Pence, John Pendergraph, Carolyn Tillman , Dennis Wooten

Special Joint Worship Service

Join us on Sunday morning, February 27 for a spe-cial joint worship service. We will have one service at 11:00 in our Sanctuary. This will be a time of church-wide worship for the last sermon of our current series, “Hope for the Abundant Life.”

Our hope is to emerge from this series with a clear sense of where God is leading First Baptist and how we can be active participants in God’s plan.

2022 FBC Resource Guide

The 2022 FBC resource Guide is now available. This 20 page guide gives you lots of helpful information about FBC, including:

Staff Listing & Contact Information, 2022 Budget at a Glance, Being Good Stewards of Church Funds, Scheduling Events, Important Dates & Deadlines, Yearly Committee Schedule, FBC Inclement Weather Policy, Conducting Committee Meetings, Roberts Rules of Order, Taking New Business to the Church, Principles of Christian Leadership, 2022 Leadership Roster, Using FBC Realm Connect, Worship Broadcast Information, Using Zoom to Host Meetings.

Upcoming Events

North Carolina Baptist Singers & Orchestra

Join us for a Worship Concert at these nearby locations:




NC Baptist Singers & Orchestra is comprised of church musicians from across North Carolina

Our Deepest Sympathy

We are saddened by the loss of our church family members:

Bob Hilton

Barbara Louise Waid

Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with the Hilton and the Waid families.

Sunday School / Bible Study Directory

We are currently updating our list of all Bible Study and Sunday School classes. We are asking a representative from each Bible study or class to fill the form below by February 15, 2022. If you have questions, please contact Stacey Grimm.